The Healthy Way
The healthy “break” at the office, a boost after exercise, your quiet moment before going to sleep? Or a super tasty powerhouse during your diet? The versatile Brothway offers a variety of health benefits, as well as simply tasty! A handy bottle to warm up and enjoy, or among other things to use as the basis for a delicious bowl of ramen! Tasty!
Een abonnement voor je Brothway kuur
Klaar voor je 3 of 6 maanden Brothway kuur?
Gebruik het tijdens intermitted fastening, keto, paleo of FODMAP-dieet.
- Tijdens en na je zwangerschap.
- Als je nood heb in een Reset
- Als voorbereiding op koudere maanden en bij seizoensveranderingen.
Onze abonnementen helpen je met een automatische thuislevering van 28 flesjes en dit met extra abonnementskorting.
Our Reviews
Small & powerful
The Brothway bouillons are made in the real, traditional way!
Without flavor enhancers or preservatives of course, but purely natural, with fresh herbs & vegetables (100% organic ) and fresh meat and bones (100% organic) play a leading role. Our stocks are sugar-free, low in salt and rich in proteins.

About us
Brothway stands for tradition and innovation at the same time! We may all know our grandparents' healthy, homemade broths, the way to strengthen mind and body! Today, the revival of this low-calorie power drink has mainly come over from the UK and the US, where one “bone broth” bar after another appears in New York...
A healthy alternative to the coffee bars, they have understood there! With Brothway we bring the best of all stories together: pure nature, Belgian & delicious!

Belgian and organic!
Brothway is made with love and passion in Michelbeke, the heart of the Flemish Ardennes. With our team of super-enthusiastic employees, we search every day for fresh vegetables, herbs, meat and bones, and for this we like to work with local organic producers. We still make your bouillon in a traditional way, but at the same time we invest in sustainable energy and production to make our ecological footprint very small!